Saffronly Shrikhand with Saffron


  • 500g full fat greek yogurt (NOT greek style) 
  • 80g icing sugar (alternatively use granulated sugar put through the blender)
  • 1/8 tsp Saffronly saffron
  • 1/2 tsp cardamom powder
  • Nuts, chopped for decoration


  1. Place cheesecloth into empty bowl, and put the yogurt into the cheesecloth. Leave to strain overnight in the fridge 
  2. Discard the liquid and empty the strained yogurt into a bowl 
  3. Add the sugar, Saffronly saffron and cardamom to the strained yogurt and give it all a mix
  4. Try the shrikhand for the sweetness and add more sugar if you need
  5. Keep in the fridge for 4 hours before you serve. Whilst its in the fridge give it a stir every hour to help the saffron colour develop.  
  6. Before serving top it off with some chopped nuts, we like almonds and pistachios
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